Monday, January 25, 2010

Loving Serendipity

When I was teaching, kids of adults, I loved to note the things I call 'happy accidents'. It's been awhile so it was wonderful to find one the other day. While looking a blog on scrapping I starting clicking on the next button --- first time ever!!  Try it sometime, I learned a lot about the blogs out there and what you can learn from them. An suddenly my happy accident was on the screen.  I ran into  and her 12/30/09 comments called End of ought-nine.  Wow!! I hope she doesn't mind my borrowing her idea.
She had a quote from Ellen Goodman that really made me stop and think. Hope you like it as well.

We spend January 1 walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives... not looking for flaws, but for potential. ~Ellen Goodman

Lainie then made a list of 10 things she was happy to have experienced in the last year.  But I think I may include a few of those but look more for the things I would like to build in the coming year.

Thoughts about 2009:

1. I am glad I went to my 60th high school reunion. It really was good to touch base with old friends. I liked getting grammar school room pictures from a few people and being able to put them on Flickr for more to enjoy.

2. Joined a book club and a Torah study group this year. First ongoing groups since retirement. I am lucky they are both great groups.

3. It was a special experience to see our first grandchild and first grandson (the same person ;-)) marry his love.  Kasia and Alex are wonderful together and we enjoy being with them

4. We had a wonderful week trip through Ohio visiting art museums and botanic gardens. Even in retirement there is so much to do it was good to have this kind of alone time. I LOVED making a basket at the Longaberger factory.

5. I continue to be grateful that we both have pretty good health and can enjoy the things we love to do.

And in 2010......

1. Exercise, Exercise, Exercise.  Learn to find 20 minutes a day for some form of excercise.

2. Finish all the digital scrapbooks that are 'in-progress'. A promise to myself to start no new ones till current projects are finished.

3. Make sure to plan 'us' time as well as 'me' time. We like Rollo May's thoughts on the need for both.

4. Look for new and casual ways to bring family together.

5. Develop new plans to work with seniors and technology competencies. 

6. Spend more time reading Better Investing so I can be a better informed participant in my stock club.

7. Try not to get into political arguments!!  This is not an easy one, will take a lot of work and tape over the mouth.

Try this one. I found it was really nice to think about the good things of last year and look forward to making this a good one, as much as possible.

1 comment:

SVK said...

Great blog site! I'm a working retiree, soon to "re-retire" and work with my books about spirituality in the 50+ years. Would you like to do a guest blog at my site? It's Would be glad to have you.

Sharon King, PhD
Twitter: @svk50plus