Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Book One For The Postal Reading Challenge 2013

It is September 20th as I write this. Oh, yes, the summer has flown by and I have just finished the first book for the Challenge. And, oh yes, I haven't written about the fantastic genealogy conference I attended during the first week of August. Where is the world does time go? Please if anyone out there knows the answer email me right away.

Dying To Meet You (43 Old Cemetery Road: Book One)  was the first book completed. And I loved it. Perhaps my years as a children's librarian is the reason it was such fun to read. The book is only 147 pages long but there are many smiles along the way. The illustrations alone make it worth taking the time to give it a chance. Each page is 'written' by a different character and the voice and text make sure you know exactly what is happening and who is speaking.


January 1, 2014

What a disaster? Where did the year go since September 20th, 2013?  I was reminded by an email from Melanie Kindrachuk the both both 2013 and the 2013 Challenge have ended.  The good new is that the 2014 Challenge is beginning. You and find all of the information about the new 2014 Challenge online.

Clearly I need to be making some very serious blogging changes for 2014.

1. Finish the 2013 challenge!! and send the links (including this one) to Melanie.
2. Get a new posting up each week. Hope you all will remind me when I slip. I think I 
will write about the great experiences I had in 2013... and some not so great.
3. Find time to get into the genealogy that I really love and tell you more about that area.
4. I need to find an app that will tell me when I have spent enough time for the week on my
    very addictive Pinterest site. If you haven't tried it, do take a peak. I would call it a
    very graphic form of Social Media on any subject you can think might interest you. 

If you are curious take a peak at  my Pinterest page  and see if any my boards 
are of interest to you.

In the meantime I wish all of you a very Happy, Healthy New Year. I look forward to our
spending more time together in 2014.

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