Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Did you ever have a CookieCake?

I have begun participating in  Elizabeth O'Neal's Blog Parties. The parties begin on her website. You then participate in visiting the blogs that participate if you wish. Elizabeth chooses the topic and then the fun begins. For this holiday Blog Party there are two choices, Solving A Brick Wall or A Family Cooky Recipe.  My choice for the Holiday Blog Party is a favorite recipe.

In 2007 I decided to create a family history cookbook. I knew I wanted recipes from both sides of my family and more than one generation of cooks. At that time I was involved in scrapbooking and just becoming involved in genealogy. Somehow it all, in my mind blended nicely. I was using Photoshop Elements for my scrapping and it became the vehicle for developing the book. In a future blog I will be sharing more about the whole wonderful experience. But for today Elizabeth O'Neal is Blog Boss.

Needless to say there are many sections to the book and different kinds of recipes. Today we will focus on one chocolate cake that was loved by all. Yes, I know I am cheating a bit, but it was always cut up into Brownie size pieces so I decided that make it OK and is loved by all generation of tasters. I hope you will enjoy it just as much. FYI. I have included the recipe in readable form to help you give it a try. If you, and your family, enjoy it, please let me know. My sibs, kids, grandkids would be happy to know you like Mom's cake also.  

                Grandma Sally's Best Ever Chocolate Cake

1 cup margarine        6 TBLS cocoa
2 cups sugar              1 cup water
1 tsp  baking soda, 1/2 tsp salt, 2 all-purpose flour
2 eggs, beaten
1/2 cup sour cream
Put margarine in a large with with cocoa and water. Bring to a boil, stirring. Remove from heat and stir in sugar. Then add next three ingredients and beat smooth. Lastly beat in eggs and sour cream.
Spread in greased jelly roll pan. Bake in 375 degree oven for about 20 minutes. While still warm spread frosting across top of cake.
Bring to boil in large saucepan 1/2 cup margarine, 1/4 cup cocoa, 6 TBLS milk. With a spoon beat in a box of confectioners sugar. add 1 tsp vanilla. Spread on warm cake.



1 comment:

Marian B. Wood said...

Marianne, thanks for this chocolatey recipe, which sounds just right for a family holiday get-together. Happy new year and happy ancestor hunting.