Thursday, February 9, 2017

The Wonders of Technology - RootsTech2017 from Home

I have been a techie for a VERY long time.  It was about 1983 when we first had a Commodore Pet in the school where I was a media center director, so you see it has truly been a long while. I have had a chance to watch the technology grow and change. And still, now in 2017, I still find myself surprised, and in awe, of how far we have come.

Last year I was fortunate enough to be able to attend RootsTech 2016. It was amazing in every way possible. I had time to spend in The Family History Library, attend fantastic sessions, meet interesting people and spend hours on the exhibit floor. I hope I can do it all again sometime. But this year, 2017, I was not able to attend in person. There are hundreds of presentations over the four days of the conference. There are many companies in the genealogy world that help in sponsoring this amazing experience but the main thanks must go to Family Search. They continue to make this a happening each year.

But the amazing people who put RootsTech together have found a way to make a taste of RootsTech possible, but enough to still make me feel like an atendee (sorta') and, for sure, a learner.  Here is how they did it.  The stream sessions for those of us at home each day of the conference, that's right, each day of the conference.And, these same session, are available at the same site for quite a few months after the conference ends. What is the charge for such a great experience, you ask? Sitting down, I hope, because there is NO charge for us at home to enjoy these great session from an amazing conference. I have included a few screen shots so you can get a feel for what I will be enjoying for these next 3 days.
And you really will if you decide to participate in the opportunity.
This is the same process that will be available after conference
Sessions are on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

If you are interested in trying this out yourself. Here are the directions for doing so.  If you do it in real time, February 9,10,11 2017 go to Following the conference you can probably find your way from the main  site. Hope you enjoy trying this out. 

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